Hi Everyone.
I promised I'd post a few goofy pictures of me sampling in the field. It's taken me forever, but here they are. I realize it is not as picturesque as Gabon or Kenya, but who can deny the beauty and edginess of the city.
So my research included two weeks of sampling on 15 green roofs in the city. This required a lot of coordinating with building owners/managers and a lot of driving around the city.
This first picture above is me sweep netting on the green roof of the U.S. Postal service. One of the biggest sedum covered roofs in the city. I used a couple of sampling methods, this one is the most photograph friendly. Coincidentally, the building just behind me is where Stephen and I got married four years ago!
This second picture is me using an aspirator to suck the insects out of my sweep net--with the Empire State Building behind me. I must say, you all know I'm pregnant, and looking at these photos makes me realize how big I've gotten since the end of May!
Here is a shot of another cool green roof I visited. It's in mid-town, which is hard to find parking, but I can see a few other green roofs from up here and it makes me dream of a green roof polka-dotted city.
After sampling for two weeks I spent the month enjoying the air-conditioning of Columbia University identifying insects under the microscope.
Starting next week I'm going back out in the field to sample from July 18-30th. It's gotten really really hot here (106 F) so let's all hope for some cooler weather at the end of July. I'll post pictures of me hilariously large swinging my sweep net around.
Have fun in the field and please please please post blogs! Also, put your name or a photo of yourself on the posting so we know who posted it!